Equipment Rental Program
We provide rentals for Schacht wheels and accessories. Please see the below rental packages, or put together one of your own!
We charge a flat rate of $100/month for all rentals. Please click here for full rental information and terms of use. If you do not see a Schacht wheel or accessory here that you would like to try, email us. If you live within 2-3 hours of the Upper Valley of New Hampshire and Vermont (Grafton and Windsor counties), we will hand-deliver your equipment.
Why rent? Because…
- You’ve had your eye on a specific wheel but don’t feel comfortable making the investment until you can try it first… and your LYS doesn’t carry it.
- You want to try a new style of spinning but don’t want to splurge on accessories just yet.
- You want to try wheel spinning, but aren’t ready to make the plunge until you’ve treadled a few miles first.
- You’re only a sporadic spinner, and don’t care to have a spinning wheel in your house or apartment full-time

About Us
We are a small studio located in the Upper Valley of New Hampshire. We raise French Angora rabbits, teach wheel spinning and drop spindle, and sell at the occasional market. Sometimes we find time to catch our breath, but not always.