Welcome To
River House Rabbitry
Welcome to River House Rabbitry Fiber and Spinning! We are a teaching studio, specializing in wheel and drop spindle (in-person or virtual), fiber processing, and dyeing. We also provide wheel rentals and all Schacht products.
Look at these

Our rabbitry currently has four beloved and spoiled French Angoras. Each angora provides approximately one pound of fiber per year, and in thanks, we try to provide them with love and care. While we’d love to have more bunnies (or other livestock), our schedules only permit us to care for four at a time.
The Gentleman
Hoppy is currently sitting on top of his hide, begging for papaya, and sleeping after a long day of sleeping.
The Bad Boy
Goat doesn't agree that you should only poop in one place and there is nothing you can do about it.
The Spooky One
Ponzu is watching you. Even as you read this he sees you there, not petting him. He is displeased.

The Boss
Cheese is retired after having six healthy bunny babies. She will also roll on her side to demand attention.

About Us
We are a small studio located in the Upper Valley of New Hampshire. We raise French Angora rabbits, teach wheel spinning and drop spindle, and sell at the occasional market. Sometimes we find time to catch our breath, but not always.